Design ideas and usability tips for shopping cart page design. Glance through our design patterns on the full-page cart, mini cart, empty cart and so on.
Empty shopping cart design
Shopping Cart Design
When the shopping cart is empty, remind your users to add products to cart instead of just saying that it is empty. Provide shopping instructions and a call to action that entices users to do so. You can also include product recommendations or your store’s unique selling points.
Mini shopping cart
Shopping Cart Design
Having a mini shopping cart is definitely not an alternative to the full page cart as decision making will be tedious with just a mini cart. It will help shoppers keep track of how much they spend and what they buy. Provide a link in the mini cart to view the full page cart instead of taking the user directly to checkout.
Use mini cart to confirm that a product has been added to cart. You can also include product recommendations which would make it easier for your shoppers to find more products.
Full page cart
Shopping Cart Design
Users make their final purchase decisions when they are in the cart page. Shoppers add products to cart so that they can review or compare the items they have chosen, check whether the order total meets their budget or whether they qualify for free shipping etc. So, design your cart page in such a way that it assists your shoppers in their buying decision.
Where should the shopping cart icon be?
Shopping Cart Design
Allow your users to easily locate the shopping cart. Place the shopping cart icon on the top right of every page in your store. Indicate whether the cart contains products or not by specifying the total number of items. Also specify the total value of the items present in the cart.