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E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt
E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt

We are featured on Product Hunt!

We eagerly await your feedback.

E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt
E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt

Shopping Cart Elements

Provide an option to add more products to cart



Shopping Cart Elements

When on the cart page allow your customers to continue shopping. But don’t take them to a default page or homepage, let the shoppers choose where to go next. Provide a list of recently viewed pages to choose from. Instead of cluttering the cart page with a bunch of links, you can show them in a drop down when the user clicks continue shopping button. Including product recommendations in the cart page also provides way for the shoppers to continue shopping.

Provide-an-option-to-add-more-products-to-cart ecommerce ux design

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