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E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt
E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt

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E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt
E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt

Website Header

Feature your customer service phone number



Website Header

The simple act of adding a phone number, preferably a toll free number on to the website header establishes trust and help customers feel comfortable shopping with you. Displaying the contact number on the website header will make it easy for shoppers to locate it irrespective of the page they are in. Do keep in mind that doing so will be of any good only if you have enough staff to respond to the incoming calls. Also, clearly specify if you answer the calls only during specific hours.

Website-Header_Customer-service-Contact-number ecommerce ux design

Sivi Gen-2 is an advanced AI design generator to effortlessly create stunning banners, social posts, and ads in over 72 languages. Transform your marketing with Sivi Gen-2 today!

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Improve the shopping experience on your store with the best UX practices and tips.

Sivi Gen-2 is an advanced AI design generator to effortlessly create stunning banners, social posts, and ads in over 72 languages. Transform your marketing with Sivi Gen-2 today!

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Improve the shopping experience on your store with the best UX practices and tips.

Sivi Gen-2 is an advanced AI design generator to effortlessly create stunning banners, social posts, and ads in over 72 languages. Transform your marketing with Sivi Gen-2 today!

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Improve the shopping experience on your store with the best UX practices and tips.

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