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E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt
E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt

We are featured on Product Hunt!

We eagerly await your feedback.

E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt
E-commerce UX Design Playbook - Best UX practices for your eCommerce store | Product Hunt

Website Header




Website Header

A wishlist allows shoppers to save the products so that they can purchase it later. Provide a wishlist or save for later button on the website header, but make sure it is not too prominent that it distracts the other important elements. Show a link to the wishlist even if the user has not logged in and prompt to sign in or sign up when a product is added to wishlist as it is a good way to gather email addresses.

Website-Header_wishlist ecommerce ux design

Sivi Gen-2 is an advanced AI design generator to effortlessly create stunning banners, social posts, and ads in over 72 languages. Transform your marketing with Sivi Gen-2 today!

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Improve the shopping experience on your store with the best UX practices and tips.

Sivi Gen-2 is an advanced AI design generator to effortlessly create stunning banners, social posts, and ads in over 72 languages. Transform your marketing with Sivi Gen-2 today!

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Improve the shopping experience on your store with the best UX practices and tips.

Sivi Gen-2 is an advanced AI design generator to effortlessly create stunning banners, social posts, and ads in over 72 languages. Transform your marketing with Sivi Gen-2 today!

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Improve the shopping experience on your store with the best UX practices and tips.

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